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Is consumer confidence index a suitable predictor of future economic growth?: an evidence from the USA




The problem of the prediction of business cycles, and economic recessions in particular, belongsamong the most important topics of contemporary macroeconomics. However, economists werenot considerably successful when dealing with the recession forecasting so far, notably, the GreatRecession of the late 2000s and early 2010s emerged rather surprisingly. The aim of this paperis to examine the statistical relationship (in terms of Granger causality) between the ConsumerConfi dence Index (CCI) and real GDP growth in the USA from 1960 to 2015 in order to fi nd whetherthe CCI can be a suitable predictor of the economic growth, or economic recessions respectively.Also the short-term dynamics of four periods covering US economic recessions (1967-1978,1975-1985, 1995-2005, and 2005-2015) was examined. The main results are that the CCI Grangercauses GDP in the long-run, with the lag of 6 months. As for shorter periods, the CCI Grangercaused GDP in three out of four examined periods, including the Great Recession (with the lagof 3 months), and only for the so called dot-com bubble period Granger causality was reversed,with GDP causing the CCI with the lag of 6 months. These results indicate that the CCI can beconsidered a suitable predictor of GDP at least for the USA, but more complex and broader study,including other major economics such as the European Union, Germany, or Japan, is certainlyneeded.
机译:商业周期的预测问题,特别是经济衰退,是当代宏观经济学最重要的主题。但是,经济学家在处理迄今为止的经济衰退预测时并没有取得很大的成功,特别是在2000年代末和2010年代初的大萧条时期出人意料地令人惊讶。本文的目的是研究消费者信心指数(CCI)与1960年至2015年美国实际GDP增长之间的统计关系(以格兰杰因果关系),以便确定CCI是否可以作为该指数的合适预测指标。分别考察了美国经济衰退(1967-1978、1975-1985、1995-2005和2005-2015)四个时期的短期动态。从长期来看,主要结果是CCI Granger导致GDP滞后6个月。至于较短的时期,CCI Granger在四个检验时期中的三个时期(包括大衰退(滞后三个月))导致了GDP,而仅在所谓的互联网泡沫时期,Granger因果关系被逆转,GDP导致了CCI滞后6个月。这些结果表明,至少对于美国而言,CCI可以被认为是GDP的合适预测指标,但无疑需要更复杂,更广泛的研究,包括欧盟,德国或日本等其他主要经济体。



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